In this episode, Nick and Chris delve into the issues of mindset in business.
When your best master is your mind, how do you harness positive power?
How can you turn down thoughts of failure, disappointment and professional lethargy?
Nick opens up about his own times of uncertainty with inspired suggestions for navigating stress. You can survive an ongoing health crisis plus social and business de-motivation when you are supported by good people.
And finally, what’s the best way to motivate and inspire your team? How do you get the best from yourself? Is there a “seachange’ on your work horizon?
All this and more in this loaded episode of “Coaching Conversations”… Enjoy!
Time Code
0.25 Welcome to the show.
0.50 A great mindset in business is essential to success. Keep your mind in check. What are the signs you need to look for if you need to reach out for help?
2.03 The post-COVID world will be a very different place! Re-tooling is critical. Nick shares his own personal journey…revealing how he chose to reconcile stress from two serious injuries and a heart scare with increasing uncertainty in the business world.
4.55 Men, in particular, need balance in their lives. Would you be part of an intervention if your friend was in a bad space; not wanting to connect or do the things that used to make him `tick?’
6.45 If you find it’s easier to make excuses rather than rise each morning with a positive mindset, what can you do to stop the rot?
7.15 More straight-talking from Nick. Surround yourself with people who call you on bad behaviour. Change your language. Stop whinging. Record yourself and listen back to how you talk.
8.08 “Stinking thinking” results in “stinking language”.
9.16 Compartmentalise stress.
10.10 Learn to be okay with certain limitations. If you’re suffering from an irregular pattern or uncommon behaviour, find someone who can help you stop believing “the worst” in yourself.
11.40. It’s not a race so where are you heading? It’s okay if it takes you extra time to get there. Be okay with your current pace.
12.10 What’s the best way to motivate and inspire your team?
12.35 Do you lead by example? Be the first person on the battlefield and the last person to leave. Amongst the grind, make it fun. Identify the bigger picture. What’s the motivator? If it’s money, that’s not a bad thing!
16.38 Make it “stretchy”. It’s okay to push so people can uncover the full potential.
17.15 Today we don’t have an education problem, we have a cultural problem. Don’t get caught up in the minutia of cultural consumerism or the diatribe of influencers. To do your best, inspire yourself with stories not products. Shift your inspiration to education.
20.45 Summary; If you want a sea change, be the change. If your team isn’t working towards your vision, maybe it’s time to change things up. Unhappy with your current gig, it’s up to you make your professional life better.
If you’re struggling with mindset, particularly in the grind of business, reach out to Nick and Chris
Keeping your body and mind in check is essential to professional satisfaction and ultimately, happiness across all areas of your life.
If things aren’t great at work, change it. A post-COVID world may mean you need to re-tool or future proof the gig you currently love.
Make it “stretchy” and push yourself as much as your colleagues or employees. Keep learning!
Also, look at the work-life balance in your friend’s lives, in as much as your own. Almost everyone is struggling with something and you can make a difference by reaching out.
When you realise your best master is your mind, you’re on the right path.