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Welcome to 2022 with a brand new episode to fire motivation and empower your New Year with routine and new ways to look at the old stuff!
You can avoid sliding back into the same 2021 driver’s seat. Rather, look to apply the hand break now and ask yourself what new routines may change up your business efficiency, productivity, and profitability.
If you’re after inspiring changes to fortify body, mind and spirit,
Nick and Chris will ease you into the challenging first months of the New Year with a fresh, confident outlook.
A timely and important discussion for good planning in 2022! Enjoy……
Time Code/Show Notes
0.26 Chris welcomes you to the first Coaching Conversation of 2022 and this one is all about change!
3.42 Nick launches into life routines; there’s no point in burning yourself in pursuit of success, only to spend your hard-earned dollars on repairing the damage to your health.
6.00 Knowing your life routine is vital. Scheduling time for exercise can re-energise all areas of your life. Do this. Regularly.
7.35 Personal: Routines must start with YOU and your personal development. What are your educational and physical goals? Nick focuses on eating and moving well as your starting point; can you build meditation into your day or week? New routines for 2022 must include mental, physical, spiritual needs.
10.00 People: when was the last time you considered the professional development of your people?
How are you empowering the team who make you money? You need to nurture staff with knowledge because team training is so important, not just for skills or retention, but good-will that returns to you, in different ways.
11.15 Technology – how can you use innovation to time manage better? Can you carve out REGULAR time each week to review your systems; asking the question “What can we do better this week?”
15.09 Relationships – time to nurture friendships, family time, being with your kids, partner intimacy. Have routines for “appreciation”.
In business, networking is a great way to know what other people are doing!
Create a routine to go to an event, lunch, sporting match or catch up with colleagues; connecting will make a `happier version of you’.
Create another routine to read. Self-care. Learning. Practising a routine can be comforting.
25.49 If you need help empowering routines in any area of your life, personal or business – or simply to encourage a mindset that accepts change, contact us at ask@upcoach.com.au
There’s a saying; “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional”
Imagine maximising inevitable change so it works for you. Now envision the flow on of choosing and pursuing actual growth. No stagnant limbo waiting for something to happen. It’s all tied into the magic of routine.
Consider your Life routines – mental, physical, spiritual. Develop personal goals as a priority.
Work routines? What does your business need? How can you nurture your staff? How do you give back – how do you connect?
As Chris wisely said “connecting makes a happier version of you”.
Balance is imperative so pay attention to how you build emotional nourishment. It’s all in the ROUTINE. Do it regularly and the rest will follow. ?