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Fresh from the UpCoach Two Day Mastermind event on the Gold Coast, Nick and Chris talk more about the Giver’s Gain principle.
Giving first and giving something of value – without expectation of return – is a powerful business tool. If you replace expectation with appreciation, all parts of your life will change.
Nick calls them `Connection Credits’… and this episode is all about building value through relationships and generosity.
There’s a lot to take-away from today’s Coaching Conversation so let’s get into it….
Time Code/Show Notes
0.26 Intro: Business coach expert Nick Psaila and Chris Herbert break down the elements behind the Giver’s Gain ethos.
1.33 The principle of Giver’s Gain is to give something without the expectation that you shall receive something in return. Ivan Misner speaks of the profound advantages of Giver’s Gain with referrals – sooner or later it will come back to you.
The concept was later formalised in the book The Psychology of Influence. Nick shares insight on the Hari Krishna.
5.30 How can you invite this principle into your business… it’s the idea of the `free sample’ or complimentary consult.
7.30 Remember, the principle of the Giver’s Gain is that the ‘bonus’ you give does not have to be a physical product. It can be as simple as advice. It must, however, represent value.
8.30 Free information is a great example of Giver’s Gain in business. Your advice can be via EDM, audio, in the form of a face-to-face consultation that costs nothing. But it must be meaningful.
9.15 Nick talks about business ‘karma’. A big part of the equation is the more you help others, the more you help yourself.
10.50 Tony Robbin’s `appreciation over expectation’ is a great mantra to follow.
11.30 Cultures that give to each other without expectation, thrive.
13.00 Be generous with your expertise or product.
To give without receiving. See how that feels. But then you must eventually have the courage to ask for the sale/signature. 80 percent `give’ and 20 percent `ask’ is a fair structure. The principle is not to feel used but to be the first to ‘give’.
18.50 Give with genuine intent even though you may find some people are sceptical. Like attracts like – you’ll attract those people who genuinely like to give as well.
20.20 The Giver’s Gain principle cuts through to feelings of gratitude instead of the simple act of survival/putting out fires. It presents happiness as an option. It brings meaning outside of money-making.
22.36 If you’d like to know how a business coach can help you integrate the Giver’s Gain principle into your business, ask@upcoach.com.au for more information on today’s podcast.
Giving without the intention of receiving anything in return is an age old principle that is simply good business.
Showing you care can mean you receive more in ‘karma’. But ensure the care or advice is valuable.
When you run with the Giver’s Gain principle you subscribe to the notion of appreciate over expectation.
If you make a difference to someone’s life, you will be `their top-of-mind person’. This is not about feeling used, it’s about building a relationship where you give first. Reciprocal energy exchange is important.
So keep giving and the rewards will eventually be yours.