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0.35 Evolve Upper Limits Mastermind Episode 6 with Nick Psaila showcases a new way to tap into a smart mindset to evolve your business…
3.45 Stop playing too small. You are the universe, you are omnipotent and omnipresent. You must be present and play the game to infinity. Become more. Start playing at the next level.
10.30 The Memetic Virus is the selfish gene and is not open-solution-based thinking. Smart thinking is an attitude of change; to the betterment of your life and those around you.
13.45 Nicks shares his views on re-invention. On changing your direction, on avoiding stagnation. Being a ‘tradie’ is not limited. You’re an artist, you’re a craftsman. Think big.
14.20 Delegation; how to be efficient in everything we do. Letting go. You cannot be the be-all-end-all for your business.
16.45 `Your accountant knows the numbers’… is not good enough. You need to be across more than the basic numbers of your business.
17.45 Do you really need to be on-site? Stuff still happens; you’re not that important. Get feedback from your people.
19.30 How do you create a central point of information for your staff? The client does not always want you – they want a result. This is limited thinking; you have a whole team who can help you.
Stop being a martyr. Traditional thinking no longer works if you want to grow. And grow you must – or your competition will be all over you.
23.40 A group-think reveals concepts that challenge the traditional mindset.
27.50 From retaining good staff to making decisions on the spot, the hive mind puts forward some powerful solutions based on past negative thought patterns.
33.45 `What if you train them and they leave? What if you train them and they stay?
38.40 `My way or the highway’. Change the way you do things by shifting your identity. You are not a tradie with a business – you are an entrepreneur.
43.38 What if you had an E.L.F business… exciting, lucrative and fun. It doesn’t have to be fire and brimstone. Life is short, don’t make things difficult.
46.05 It’s not what you have; it’s what you become. Money is one small part of the equation. The glory of living is rising every time we fail. It’s not what you’ve been dealt; it’s what you do with it.
50.35 We are what we repeatedly do. And don’t wish it was easier; wish you had more skills, more knowledge, more ability. LEARN. MORE.
52.30 How do you spend less time working on your job and more time working on your fortune?
54.50 It’s not about making money; it’s about making TIME.
57.00 Grow yourself not to compete. Do whatever it takes, give it your best. You have nothing to lose, life is SHORT.
1.02.00 The mind-hive collates the changes they will make to begin the ‘evolve’ process.
1.05.00 Time is the number one takeaway. Can you imagine a more precious commodity? There is none. Time is everything.
1.06.33 Letting go and recognising that your business is its own beast; sharing your vision with your people is so important.
Step back and your staff can strive for their own goals while growing your company. Allow them to feel the pride and responsibility of making your success, their success.
1.10.40 Stop ignoring the most important things in your life. What’s a quote worth versus a conversation with your precious child? It isn’t even in the same galaxy. Give your family TIME. Give your kids your ATTENTION. Get your priorities STRAIGHT.
1.13.15 The most valuable thing your employees can give you is their time; so respect theirs. They are giving you precious hours – months, years of their life – to work for you.
1.14.11 Holidays. Let your staff grow. Give them time off. Let them recharge.
1.15.14 Leverage experts to do the things you don’t like or can’t do or can do cheaper than you. So you can leverage more TIME.
1.16.00 You are the source of all change. You could be one step kinder, more fun, happier, smarter, a better boss, a better parent… you can walk away and rise every time you fail.
Take a page from the life book of Nelson Mandela. Be the change you want to see in yourself and others. Nick knows the only way is up. And you can live this truth. Begin now.
1.17.15 Inspired? Hit up upcoach.com.au for more.