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In today’s episode of Coaching Conversations, Nick and Chris talk about “being the change you want to see in the world” – or, in this case… your “business”
When faced with friction and adversity, you can learn to dig deep and be ‘the change’. There are strategies to stop repeating the same behaviour and spinning negative thoughts day-to-day, week-to-week.
Compromise is the number one consideration when looking at change.
But how do find that happy middle ground with a different mindset?
Enjoy this new episode, full of positive ideas to motivate you towards your particular ‘change’….
Time Code/Show Notes
0.26 Intro: Business coach experts Nick and Chris discuss the semantics of change and why the challenge to stop in your tracks and look at your business differently is so difficult for so many.
4.14 You have the ability to chop and change the way you do things. We are attached to a level of habit or monotony – breaking habits is hard. Times are tough. It’s easy to doom-day prep. Stop!
7.06 Don’t become incapacitated by events that haven’t happened yet.
7.59 Nick believes that many people cannot consider change because to do so, would be to give up the habits that keep them pushing forward – and often in the wrong direction. Compromise is the key.
8.58 You may want the `change’ but you have to willingly give-up something else in order to achieve it.
10.15 Sacrifice at a level will need to happen. It can be as basic as having a really full-on day so you get up half an hour early! It has a lot to do with values – what do you value above all things?
12.38 An interesting mind virus is the thought that you have to give up a heap of stuff at once. Change can be incremental. Nick talks about sustainable lifestyle change.
16.23 Chris opens up about the Three Step Process to implementing change.
1. Understand what is frustrating you; identify what is causing you pain. What challenges you from a mindset perspective? What’s slowing the business down? What is causing inefficiency?
17.52 Question why? Why do you do still do things the way you do? Because that’s the way it’s always happened? Timetables can be shuffled – your office can be anywhere as long as you have your laptop. Choose to be flexible!
19.38 2. How can you do the thing differently? Do nothing and you get the same result. Nick talks about monitoring the change you make; and retaining perimeters by which you can move in and out should you need to. In the end, it all comes back to priorities and values.
25.22 Put the hand brake on and be honest. What isn’t working for you? Sit down and take the time to figure out a different way.
27.20 3. Implement that change with support.
Get your people around you, whatever that looks like; have someone pushing you along to keep you accountable. You don’t want to re-experience the ‘pain’.
No one else can make the change for you! This is all on you but a cheerleader who knows what you’re doing, is indispensable.
33.45 If you need help to `be the change’ reach out to ask@upcoach.com.au for more information on today’s podcast.
Change is good. Change is achievable when you accept that only you can be the `change you want to see in your business’.
Make the difference happen or the treadmill will forever be locked on the same speed and elevation.
Make sure you identify what is frustrating you first– it’s often an honest, value based discussion with yourself.
Secondly work out how things can be done… and finally create that step-by-step path to see the plan through. Remember…. find a support team who want that change for you – they’ll keep you on the straight and narrow!
Change is hard – but you’ve got this. And the rewards on the way to change are just as life-giving!