Ep 100: Why FOCUS is a Skill You Haven’t Yet Mastered – Coaching Conversations

Ep 100: Why FOCUS is a Skill You Haven’t Yet Mastered – Coaching Conversations


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Today’s episode of Coaching Conversations switches it up

with Chris and Nick challenging the notion of ‘distraction’ and elevating the need for focus. 

Why have so few of us mastered the skill of focus and attention? Chris presents some eyebrow-raising reasons and solutions as to why it’s so difficult to truly focus in modern business – and modern life.

We must all realign to focus on doing the most important things and stop glorifying sub-effort multi-tasking.

Today, Coaching Conversations puts the lost skill of “focus” front and centre in another excellent new episode.

 Time Code/Show Notes 

0.26  Intro: Business coach experts Nick and Chris say we lack for taking our business level.

2.55  Chris opens with an eye-opening exercise to illustrate how difficult it is to focus when you’re asked to recall two things simultaneously.

4.55  Stop being satisfied with mediocre performance across varying disciplines. To “get good at one thing” you have to focus on ONE THING at a TIME.

6.20 We are bombarded with many mediums throwing up diversions, but it’s ourselves who choose to absorb the distractions. Chris uses the arrow analogy to illustrate what a skill would look like if we focused on perfecting one task/one goal only.

9.15 The concept of being `present’ parallels the key to focusing on one thing at one time. Don’t be mediocre at many things.  You will achieve very little by dividing focus.

12.30  Do you feel like you are living under a transparent level of pressure?

11.00  To sharpen your focus skills, you must first know the outcome. What’s your end game? Know this or you’ll `glaze over’ and begin something else. 

15.40  Why are we so hesitant to single-mindedly approach one goal at a time? Can you visualise the outcome, feel the emotion; the impact of the outcome? Form a deeper connection with the outcome you want, sit with it and drill down a solution. 

19.53  Understand the process so you can dial up the level of focus to achieve your outcome faster.

20.23  You need to have a plan! Focus on the steps, one at a time because you know the plan. Bite-size chunks towards the outcome. Focus on each step so you are not overwhelmed.

21.12 Remove distraction! This is the modern challenge; to pull back from the diversion. Turn your phone off. Ignore distractions and watch your productivity increase! It’s a no-brainer for instant concentration.

26.57  Practise the skill of focus. Know the goal, visualise it; practise finishing one thing and increase your level of flow. And when you are in that space of concentration, you won’t want to do anything else! Make focus a good, addictive habit. 

30.14  These four elements will give you the `focus/outcome’ you need to achieve set goals. Be aware that your number one roadblock is a distraction. 

33.00  With thousands of combined hours helping businesses focus on end goals, reach out to ask@upcoach.com.au for more information on today’s podcast.


Are you feeling single-minded in your goal to succeed this year?

You need a plan and you MUST ignore distraction. And then practise that focus repeatedly.

Anyone can achieve a level of improved focus; a greater level of attention. It is terrifically rewarding to catch the concentration bug! And while it takes time to master, the reward of completion is incredible.

So, focus inward and focus constructively. It nurtures emotional intelligence plus optimises your growth as a business.

Oh… and turn your phone off. As often as you can! Go on… you can do it ?

Check out this episode!