Ep 101: Why Step by Step is a Winning Formula – Coaching Conversations

Ep 101: Why Step by Step is a Winning Formula – Coaching Conversations


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Today’s episode of Coaching Conversations takes us step-by-step through the winning formula of step-by-step!

None of this is game-changing but when business owners, get caught up in the high-paced, do-it-now / want-it-now mentality, how do we circle back to the step-by-step formula?

It’s simple. Success in your business will be determined one significant movement at a time. It’s a tremendous reminder. Trust in the step-by-step process… there are only greater results waiting for you. Enjoy this timely new episode from Coaching Conversations…  

Time Code/Show Notes 

0.26 Intro: Business coach experts Nick and Chris open with some simple but enlightening questions.

3.52  How do you play golf? One stroke at a time. How do you chew your food? One mouthful at a time. The only option in the `business game’ is to play one significant movement at a time.

6.42  Your to-do list never stops but where is the allocated time spent for business growth? You’re doing a dozen things across your day, why do we psychologically resist the need to stay on one thing and move rapidly to the next issue?

9.51  What would happen if you were off the tools? Have a real-life conversation with yourself about the outcome. And are you okay with the length of time it will take for you to get there?

Are you okay `slowing’ things down? Can you slow down your thinking and approach so you can reach that goal ie. onboard that new employee and make sure it’s done thoroughly? Not haphazard. Get it right first time. 

13.19  Ask yourself, honestly, do you want to do something 2-3 times because you’re rushing it? You need to be okay with “it will take as long as it takes”

16.55  Re-frame the way you look at your schedule. It’s crucial to begin with doing ONE thing that really matters EVERY DAY. If it takes an hour – doesn’t matter. If it takes 5 hours, break it up over the week. It could be “Learn to read financial statements”. Half an hour a day – lock it in.

20.33  What is the significant movement you need to attack in your business? It must be executed with passion and gusto through to completion. It’s a practised skill. 

22.08  Remove distractions. Don’t attempt the learning if you have to pick up the kids in half and hour – or you have a deadline looming. Focus on getting it done.

27.55  You need to be okay with the time it’s going to take! You can put timelines on goals – so of course you can work towards a time frame, but be aware good things take time.

29.40  It is NOT a sprint. Execute hard but understand that it’s a series of significant movements. Accept that the outcome will eventually happen and take the pressure off.  Condition yourself to the process taking longer than you thought. It invariably does.

33.30  Nick relates the legend of ‘the Eagle has landed” to the time it can take to land a project of magnitude.                  

35.46  With thousands of combined hours helping businesses focus on step-by-step processes, reach out to ask@upcoach.com.au for more information on today’s podcast.


Step by step, your only option is to play the game, one significant movement

at a time. This is critical to your success.

Do one thing that really matters each day.

Secondly, get really good at executing… really well. See it through to conclusion with gusto and passion.

And finally, be okay with the time it’s going to take. If you need to re-frame your expectations, do it. It may take a little longer to achieve and you must be okay with that. This mindset will alleviate some of the stress as you focus on doing things really well…

Check out this episode!