Ep 106: Losing Your Mind BUT Staying in the Moment – Coaching Conversations

Ep 106: Losing Your Mind BUT Staying in the Moment – Coaching Conversations


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In today’s episode of Coaching Conversations,

Nick and Chris talk about how you can lose your mind but still be in the moment.

They’re not talking magic mushrooms; it’s the process of taking yourself off autopilot and momentarily removing the monotonous strain of business routine. 

In this very different episode of Coaching Conversations, you’ll learn that priority management has to happen in order for you to connect with your values.  

Let’s find out how you can address some of those critical questions in this eye-opening discussion….

Time Code/Show Notes 

0.26 Intro: Business coaches Nick and Chris share business lessons learned while on holidays…

3.07  Nick was recently out of his mind but in the moment during a recent camping trip!

6.90.  When was the last time you had time to reflect and give your entrepreneurial brain a rest?

8.00  Is worrying about something going to improve the outcome? 

10.30 Get off the mental Ferris Wheel of habits that are no longer serving you and re-focus on bringing balance into all aspects of your life.

11.52  Is the tail wagging the dog? What was life before business took up so much of your mental real estate?

14.30  So much in our lives is out of our hands; Nick talks about the various bodies from mental to spiritual to biochemical… Your spirit being needs reconnection at a soul level. Segregation and disconnection to sleep are the two most challenging concepts we face in modern life. How are you coping?

19.00 Nick encourages us all to listen to that internal voice. The one we tend to ignore in our business day-to-day. Covid showed us just how valuable it is to immerse ourselves in nature 

20.08  Do you have a break or holiday on the horizon? Chris discusses ways to connect with your soul including small jaunts to a park, a beach… ten minutes a day in the sun or sitting in the grass…. It’s all about grounding yourself.

22.30  You will feel better when you are energised by just ten minutes in nature – three times a week. Lock into natural frequencies of someone kicking a ball in the park, birds chirping, waves breaking. You are relaxed.

24.38  Recharging with laughter is imperative to our emotional body. Business is generally very serious. Laughter, sharing, and kindness in your downtime – doing things that make you smile. This is about energy management; the money hurts more when you lose it – the arrows hit harder. If you have balance, your energy will allow you to roll with it.

27.00  Fear, doubt, and despair take a back seat when you shift your energy on holidays. You are re-programming. It is important!

28.31  Ask yourself… have you forgotten how to have fun?

30.15  Never forget, your business is all about supporting your lifestyle. Every three or four months you must do something for yourself; you must look forward to something outside of your work.

32.08  The next step is to structure your working life so you CAN get away to re-energise… live, laugh… and learn more outside of your business world. 

34.38  All the ‘things’ we think we need to have, the status symbols – cars, houses, clothes – do not help you at a soul level. It’s time to make your downtime work harder for your heart, mind, and  soul.

38.45  For more info on the best way to lose your mind away from work, reach out to ask@upcoach.com.au for more information on today’s podcast.


Feeling inspired to go lose your mind? If you are feeling trapped, you must make time to lose yourself – and be in the moment.

Connect at a soul level with your people and the planet… immerse yourself in nature… recharge your energy with love and laughter, friends and family. Work is NOT everything.

It’s time to bring the fun back into your life; do something you’ve never done before. Make the investment in yourself a non-negotiable habit!

Life is long…so grab those moments that warm your heart and re-wire your brain as soon as you can.

Check out this episode!