Ep 107: The 3 T’s to Faster Decision Making – Coaching Conversations

Ep 107: The 3 T’s to Faster Decision Making – Coaching Conversations


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In today’s episode of Coaching Conversations, Nick and Chris get into the nitty gritty of decision-making. 

How do you make your business decisions? Are you struggling with decision fatigue? Would you like to make faster, more accurate decisions?

If you are stewing and procrastinating, losing money or credibility on delayed decision-making, you need the quick Three T’s… 

Find out what these T’s mean for your business in today’s tremendous new episode of Coaching Conversations…

Time Code/Show Notes 

0.26  Intro: Business coaches Nick and Chris share their hints and tips around making fast-paced, accurate decisions in business.

3.14  Nick admits there’ll never be 100% good decision-making in business. Having awareness and knowing how to re-create your strategy, ie learning from your mistake, is key!

4.54  Not making a decision is the WORST thing you can do. It can look like skipping the task on your to-do list – or putting something off because it is just too hard. Don’t procrastinate.

6.28  The first T is “Timing”. Decisions are based around timing. This can include misjudging or changing plans mid-stream. 

Don’t wait until the liquidator is at your doorstep, you have to move fast when decisions determine if you sink or swim.

6.55  Some decisions do need time. Don’t be rash. Know how to tell the difference or you’ll miss out on opportunities. Understand when to act and when to deliberate. Consider time, above all else, when serious decisions need to be made.

11.29  Are you prioritising your decisions? Are you someone who doesn’t make a decision because you have no time to stop and make a decision?

12.50 The second “T” is Truth: every decision you make is anchored by your viewpoint of the world. The old “Perception is reality.” Your truth is based on your conditioning.

 Ask yourself, is it your own truth or someone elses? Is it an outdated truth (like thinking that if you want a job done right, you do it yourself. This is an outdated truth)

18.58  How do you know if your truth is the correct truth to make the decision? Second opinions are a really good way to check in with your truth.

24.00  The final “T” is tenacity; you need to put effort into EVERYTHING that you do. If you don’t have the tenacity to follow through on the decision you’ll be lost. Don’t say you’ve tried everything; very few people have.

26.20  A good business can take 25 years of slog. Overnight successes are normally ten years in the making.

28.47  Tenacity means seeking out knowledge. You have the world in front of you – on your computer! The lack of tenacity is a cultural crisis according to Nick. 

30.00  Anything that is worth building is worth putting in the effort. Be the person who takes the hard route. Not the easy path.

34.15  For more info on how good decision-making can grow your business now, reach out to ask@upcoach.com.au for more information on today’s podcast.


If you are struggling with decisions’; that is, you’ve made poor choices in the past and need to make better decisions going forward, remember Nick’s three “T”s. Fast, accurate business results rely on time, truth and tenacity.

This triple weapon helps you make the right decisions for you and your business. 

Paralysis by analysis can mean you are scared to make a move – and if that happens, you’ve already lost the game. Don’t fear failure; it’s going to happen. Learn from it, make another decision and keep moving.

Check out this episode!