Ep 109: Nick chats with Dr Angela Lauria – Coaching Conversations

Ep 109: Nick chats with Dr Angela Lauria – Coaching Conversations


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In today’s episode of Coaching Conversations, Nick speaks with very special guest, Dr Angela Lauria – founder of the Author Incubator. 

Angela recounts her life story; spring-loaded with inspiration and an immense wellspring of single-focused energy. 

You’ll learn how Angela’s mid-life autism diagnosis allowed her to touch the lives of thousands of people. And having helped more than 500 first-time authors publish high-quality, life-changing, bestselling books, Angela has further words of wisdom for all us.

Enjoy this very special conversation with Dr Angela Laurea…

Time Code/Show Notes 

0.26 Intro: Nick introduces Angela with a dazzling array of awards, stats and reviews!

1.50  Angela speaks of her upbringing and living in a small business family. Her Dad was obsessed with Hot Rods and achieved enormous success doing what he loved; she firmly believes you live what you learn. Travel and writing is her passion. 

6.35  `Autograph your work with excellence’. Angela lives by the systems and processes of doing the job right. “The customer is always wrong’ also underpins her philosophy.

8.42  Growing up in an entrepreneurial family exposes you to the reality that business involves risk. The market speaks first and loudest.

10.14  The Author Incubator… over 17 years, Angela wrote everything to bring her to this point in time and mastery.  

13.45  Despite the amazing foundation of writing 56 books, there were challenges of youth; namely, lack of strategy, how to create it and measure it. Learn how Angela moved on from Tech Books to working with entrepreneurs. 

16.57  Angela speaks of a mind-set switch so she no longer traded time for money. How can you productise your knowledge?  Learn the 80% of what you teach clients (that others can do) and determine the 20% that is your magic. Going from one on one to a group is the biggest step forward.

23.13  Angela switches gears to speak of her Autism diagnosis Monotropism explains the ‘obsession’ with writing and special interests. 

26.17  Learn about selective mutism, managing emotional life when taken away from a ‘special’ interest, control of surroundings, timing and sensory issues. Angela’s father found a creative way to work with his (un-diagnosed) autism.

30.00  Mid-life diagnosis; how it happened and how Angela coped.

33.20  Nick and Angela talk about goal setting and Angela’s two overlapping missions which include helping neuro-divergent people build a business around their ‘special interests’. People with Autism are data collectors and this makes them amazing with systems and processes.

35.54  Angela speaks of her hobbies. She loves karaoke and pub trivia!(25% of attendees at Trivia nights have Autism according to stats)                

37.26 “Take me as I am or watch me as I go….” Be more yourself.

39.55  Mindset, hard work and luck are Angela’s keys to success in life and business.

40.48  Angela and Nick talk holiday destinations; the Amalfi Coast, Positano, Malta, Sicily…

42.30  The conversation moves to Angela’s great reads and favourite artists including 4 years touring with Australian music royalty, Crowded House. Michael Jackson and Kanye West are also on her list of greats.

45.23  Nick speaks of his core pillars of strength and ability to love what he does. Nick is confident he hasn’t worked a day in his life because of his love for what he does.

48.45  Like to know more? You can get in touch with Angela via her website: differencepress.com 

48.55  For more info on how Nick and Chris can help you “do what you love for life, reach out to ask@upcoach.com.au


If you have the idea and you have the passion, now is the time to make the difference you were born to make. 

It can be writing a book. It can be channelling your great obsession into a workable model that makes you a living. You can become the person you’ve wanted to be for your kids, your partner… yourself.

Back yourself with Angela’s mantra “Take me as I am or watch me as I go”.

The time is now to change your mindset and stop trading time for money.

Be more yourself; do what you love, work hard to achieve that single-minded goal…. and success will follow.

Check out this episode!