Ep 110: Are you Creating or Consuming in Business? – Coaching Conversations

Ep 110: Are you Creating or Consuming in Business? – Coaching Conversations


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In today’s episode of Coaching Conversations, Nick and Chris break down the issues of “creating or consuming” in business. Ask yourself, do you consume more than you create? And if so, is it a bad thing?

Do you have everything from socials to podcasts on the go, that is, your own creations? Or are you forever scrolling socials, a voracious listener of e-books – a tireless consumer of podcasts?

Perhaps… you are both! 

This episode of Coaching Conversations will delve into why there’s nothing wrong with balance…. but “creation” will entirely build dividends and opportunities for your business. Enjoy!

 Time Code/Show Notes 

0.26 Intro: Nick and Chris talk about carbs and protein in the morning!

3.00  Socials, podcasts, you-tube channels, e-books… do you create? And if you’re not creating…  are you consuming… are you opening and reading the minute you wake up?  Are you consuming more than you create? OR are you doing both?

5.44  Nick declares that so much of society feels consumer based. And as much as you consume, you need to ‘give back’. Yin and yang.

7.30   Case study; Local Electrician joins Facebook Groups; a solution-based advice platform whereby he shares advice on social platforms. 

Sending EDMs to share information on what’s ‘hot’ right now with a small amount of sell. Gives away free sparky advice via Trade Shows and helps create futures by giving a percentage of profit to a charity organisation. Open yourself up to opportunity by GIVING BACK.

11.29  What are the benefits or dividends from “creating”? Sharing knowledge is selfless. If you’ve built knowledge over years and decades, pass it on! It builds AUTHORITY in your space! There’s no downside to sharing your knowledge with genuine intent! Even if the job doesn’t go to you, you are expanding your industry. There’s enough meat on the bone for everyone. 

15.45  Through “creating” you’re shoring up valid content against your brand. Bunnings do this brilliantly. Don’t do things with an explicit goal to sell… Your act of kindness or info sharing will come back to you. You’re cementing your reputation by serving the greater population with knowledge that costs nothing for you to give.

17.56   Do you have time to share your expertise, selflessly? There are many ways to do it; share two pieces of content; twice a week over 30 days. It will take 20 minutes tops. It’s a slow build.

19.32  “Creating” is infinitely more valuable than consuming. Give without the necessity of receiving!

Building a relationship with someone and creating ‘connection credits’ far outweighs the benefits of “consuming’.

25.22  Create items of value and share them on LinkedIn. It’s an easy start – but you must begin somewhere. Throwing a pebble into someone’s pond will create a ripple. And then you throw them consistently. That’s the trick!

26.15  Start creating. You have 20 minutes! That’s all you need to begin

34.15  For more info on how Nick and Chris can help you start `creating’ with just 20 minutes per day, reach out to ask@upcoach.com.au 


Build your brand by giving back. By creating without expectation.

Firstly, change your mindset. It’s far more beneficial for your business to share knowledge.

Secondly, you will create authority by sharing what you know with the wider population or industry. You may not win the job, but you’re building connection credits. You’re social proofing yourself and your business with a trail of goodwill. 

This all contributes to help leverage your brand presence in the future.

So, get “creating’ and ease off the consumption. Solve someone’s problem. Share content. You’ve got a lot to give! The opportunities are yours!

Check out this episode!