Ep 113: 4 High Performance Factors that Lead to a Better Business – Coaching Conversations

Ep 113: 4 High Performance Factors that Lead to a Better Business – Coaching Conversations


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In today’s episode of Coaching Conversations, Nick and Chris pivot 180 to look at how your personal life can influence or directly result in a highly profitable business.

Sounds contradictory? Not if your business success is a reflection of you.

Learn about Nick’s four steps to personal success so you can reclaim time, encourage learning, adopt the concept of giving and focus on family.

If you are the business owner who says “I have no time”, this episode is for you. In fact, it might just be the wake-up call we all need….


Time Code/Show Notes

0.26  Intro: Nick is a firm believer that your business reflects how you function outside of it!

3.42  There are key areas in your personal life that you must look after in order to become successful. Business success is all in the numbers but the complex part is how you ‘show up every day’ and the person you are becoming.

6.36  Step 1 – Time. Reclaim and own your time.

Learn to recognise that you are your best employee and you deserve reward. That could be sitting down for 20 minutes for lunch – stretching on a foam roller – or taking time for you in the areas that you value.

9.43  Make time-out for yourself a non-negotiable. If you are important to you, you will make time. Eat food that sustains you, exercise for your very best performance. Create time to make yourself happy and healthy outside of the office or work site.

11.28  Step 2 – Personal Development.

Learning; reading, networking, listen to a podcast, attending a seminar, creating an open mindset of improving your mind but don’t neglect the body.

13.54  Choices are what set you apart from others. You have access to the world in the palm of your hand – the internet. Ask yourself how you become a better person. This is the end game and you have control over the result.

15.10  There are must-reads and must-hears…. Anthony Robbins, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior etc. Seek to make the best use of those times you are (semi) uncontactable (driving to work for example). Self improvement can be both personal and business development at the same time.

17.01  Step 3 – Give. The Law of Reciprocity means having compassion, gratitude. Kindness costs nothing. It’s the greatest gift of all. Remember that all the `stuff’ does not matter. An attitude of gratitude towards your staff is invaluable.

21.11  If you give without the expectation of receiving, Nick calls this karma. You will be rewarded and it may not be in dollars – success is NOT measured in money. Success is not 5000 followers on Instagram. Success is ultimately anchored in happiness and contentment.

Discontent is a virus. The search for contentment can easily be linked to buying more, gambling more, taking more insane risks. STOP. If you are content with nothing, you are HAPPY.

22.33  Simplicity is often the best solution. If you break the cycle through compassion and give first, you are halfway there.

24.12  Step 4 – Family First.

Doesn’t have to mean biological. Friends fit this category, often more than ‘family’. Look after your inner circle, spend time with the people you love in this lifetime. Time, effort and energy is required – and there’s nothing better than giving everything you have to bring people together.

28.43 Contentment follows when you look after and enjoy your “family”. Make the effort. Make the time. Time is all you have and no one is around forever.

Chris says you only have 18 summers with your children before they go off and make their own lives.

33.00  If you tick all these boxes, imagine how improved business and life can become.  All you need is half an hour a day to listen to something on your way home. Listen and learn and grow.

36.40  For info on how Nick and Chris can help you review the four steps to personal fulfilment reach out to ask@upcoach.com.au



If you work 50 weeks a year to have just two off, it’s time you did that quick audit in your head.

Where are you in relation to Time first, Learning first, Giving first, and Family first?

These questions fall right at the start of the new financial year when change and review is all part of moving towards new success.

Do not neglect what makes you personally happy as this permeates all aspects of life including your business. Put yourself first, work on ‘you” and everything else will follow.

Check out this episode!