Ep.125: James Russell: Tradie VA – Masters at Customer Care Professionals, Service Technicians, and Analytics Specialists

Ep.125: James Russell: Tradie VA – Masters at Customer Care Professionals, Service Technicians, and Analytics Specialists


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On this episode of The Upperlimits Show, CEO Nick Psaila and guest star, owner and CEO of Tradie VA converse about streamlining business operations and empowering trades and construction entrepreneurs.

Tradie VA are experts in optimizing workflows for trades, discusses their innovative approach to offloading tasks and creating efficient processes.

They emphasise the importance of clarity and trust in delegating responsibilities, using AI and video processes to simplify training and operations manuals. The goal is to free up business owners from daily operational burdens and enable scalability without sacrificing quality.

Tune in to discover how these strategies can transform your business and empower your team to thrive.

And don’t just sit around and think this is just another normal podcast, these are life changing business tools that you must take advantage of.

Go get your note pad start taking notes cause it could be the difference between making or losing money.

All the links:






Check out this episode!