Ep 53: Restore-Reconnect-Reunite Upperlimits Mastermind | Day 1 | Tony Crossin

Ep 53: Restore-Reconnect-Reunite Upperlimits Mastermind | Day 1 | Tony Crossin



In today’s “Upper-Limits Online Mastermind Presentation” Up-Coach metrics-man and financial wizard, Tony Crossin joins the conversation.

Tony is across the reality of what’s happening out there in the industry and as a business coach and serious financial guru has much to offer in the current environment.  

But today, Tony shares new wisdom to help you navigate 2022 by leaning into the themes of connection and re-connection in the workplace.

It’s the human elements that make this such a fascinating Mastermind Presentation…  Enjoy!

Time Code/Show Notes

0.32   Nick welcomes you to another special online Mastermind webinar with Tony Crossin. Take notes, ask questions and be present. Are you ready?

2.45  Connection and re-connection that is broader than business.

4.50   Employee connection and engagement. It’s vital to know how your people operate – and how YOU operate. Do you consider yourself “self-aware”? Did you know that at the point of becoming self-aware, you become an “observer”?

6.30  What actually is “connection”? Tony deconstructs why it’s important to understand the relationships between yourself and colleagues, employees, suppliers, customers, family, and friends.

7.50   Tony defines “engagement”. What do you physically do to nurture trust? How do you build integrity to create a stronger engagement?

10.10  There are three types of employee engagement;

  1. Those who are engaged; contributing people you feel are inherently part of your business.
  2. Those who are not engaged: employees who turn up for a wage. It’s a habit. They give no more, no less.
  3. Those who are actively disengaged; what is this group doing to your business and why?

19.40  Ask yourself… are you connected on an emotional level to your employees? Do you actively listen to them? Do they feel cared for? What culture have you created for your people to do their best? Honest questions that will help you with engagement –  and ultimately, performance.

22.30   How can you increase engagement? To begin, you must be able to resolve conflict. On the flip side, you must inspire creativity.

70% of managers feel uncomfortable communicating with their employees. Are you one of them? In Australia, concerning stats show that 65% of the workplace is disengaged. How do you rank in your business?

26.15  There are ways to improve engagement and it starts with YOU.        You need to show that you care about your people. Converse,               listen, empathize, be mindful, and aware of who they are.

Know their individual situations. Respond to their views. Hear their grievances. These are your foundations. Are yours strong enough?

28.05  When your people achieve their goals, they will be kicking goals for you and the business as well. Recognize success, provide actionable feedback. This will gain trust.

32.00  1. Talk about empathy and perspective. Become the observer.

  1. Build trust and cooperation in the workplace.
  2. Stop toxic gossip.
  3. Remember that people want to be led, not managed.

34.50  Valuable Q&A and feedback;            

One panelist shares his habit of asking employees how they are doing on-site (it’s not just about work)

Another agrees that it is important to touch base and talk about what interests their employees. Make them your friend – show you care. (The more you put in – the more you get back) Always ask someone “how are you”. An element that suggests you care how they are coping.


Coaching Conversations Mastermind Presentations open up a terrific dialogue with experts who talk from decades of experience about running great businesses and hiring happy people.

So how do you build commitment with your team to get the most out of your asset – your people?

Remember to exercise empathy and perspective. Become the observer!

Build trust and cooperation in the workplace by asking about their lives, don’t make it all about budgets and KPI’s.

Be mindful to stop toxic chit-chat instantly. Gossip is the devil’s telephone – best to hang up ?

And always remember that people respond infinitely better when they are led, not managed!

Check out this episode!