Ep 60: Applying the 10,000 hr Principle to Your Business? – Coaching Conversations

Ep 60: Applying the 10,000 hr Principle to Your Business? – Coaching Conversations


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Today’s topic is the Ten Thousand Hour Principal!

That is, the concept of doing something for ten thousand hours in a bid to master it brilliantly?  

Up Coach professionals, Nick and Chris delve into reasons why mastering a task can involve breaking old habits. And it’s not a 21-day fix – it takes 121 days at the very least, according to Nick.

Mastering means getting it done at an unconscious level. How many times have you tried something once or twice and given up? How many times did you fail to put in the time and unsurprisingly, the results did not follow?

This chapter breaks down steps to achieving unconscious competency in your chosen field…. There’s a lot to take away, so be prepared to evaluate your mindset and commit to the task. Let’s go….  

Time Code/Show Notes

2.14   Can you go from consciously incompetent (that is, knowing that you need to learn how to do something) to consciously competent (knowingly doing it correctly) to unconsciously competent (doing it as almost second nature)?

5.52  Step 1 on your Ten Thousand Hour Journey: Choose greatness. You do not want to be mediocre. You must commit to choose the highest level – commit to your task! Nick relates the backstory of the Samurai and compares it to Rodeo riding.

8.59  Step 2:  You need to actually practise! Be aware of the old sportsperson adage; put in the time when no one is watching. It’s what you do to prepare outside of “game day” that brings you progress.

11.10   Chris wants you to consider this. Are you wanting to grow your business and what are you doing outside of that time? Are you driving upsells? Are you learning about profitability? Are you learning how to market more effectively?

13.35   Step 3: You’re not going to get it right all the time. Expect failure and get back on the bull. This is not 10,000 hours of unicorns and rainbows. Expect to have to do it again, relearn and retrain.

15.21   Step 4; Bite-sized chunks. You must learn to commit to smaller goals so if things go awry, you can pull yourself back and re-evaluate. “Eight seconds at a time” is the mantra.

17.45  Take your time. Build an arsenal, a toolbox of experience.                    Read. Take courses. Identify those who have come before. Take your time to accumulate good experience.

19.56   Step 5. Be humble. Humility leads you to greatness.

22.42  People will look up to you; you should strive to become a role model with a level of humility that accompanies your success. Australian Tennis royalty, Ash Barty, is the perfect example of greatness and humility. She is already the benchmark for the next generation of professional tennis players.

23.30 Be okay with the reward. It’s good to grow your business, it’s good to take time off. It’s great to celebrate the wins. It’s cool to be humble but it’s also okay to acknowledge your own hard work.

If you’d like to work on achieving your Ten Thousand Hours contact ask@upcoach.com.au


Let’s recap how you can master your art at an unconsciously competent level!  

Remember to choose greatness.

Secondly, get those hours in. Put in the time when no one is watching!

Be prepared to fail. But get back on the bull.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Bite-sized chunks are always best!

And always, always be humble

Business is a marathon. Don’t expect success to come quickly, the learning curve is ever arching and far-reaching; You cannot cut corners in order to reach ten thousand hours. Change your mindset and focus on the long game. Success will be yours.

Check out this episode!