Ep 86: Guy Whitcher – EVOLVE Upperlimits Mastermind

Ep 86: Guy Whitcher – EVOLVE Upperlimits Mastermind


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Time Code/Show Notes

0.35  In this episode from the Evolve Upper Limits Mastermind,                      Chris welcomes Guy Whitcher. Today’s conversation gives you smart strategies to grow your business.     

1.20  Business owners find they are often sitting in the same canoe when they should be spending time with their loved ones and doing things that fill their cup.

4.00  Using the analogy of juggling the needs of multiple children, what do you do in business when you run out of hands…  you look to your people.

5.10  Look at maturity for the task to determine how capable someone is to do the job. Remember, they must be willing to do it – and it’s only for a small part of the overall activity. Guy tells the story of a 15-year-old tasked with a job that he simply could not do because he lacked maturity for the task.

Leadership styles as follows;

9.55  Style One – Directing. You need a leader who has a directing style to help out a newbie.             

12.15  Style Two – Teaching. It’s giving guidance and encourages a two-way conversation.

14.07  Style Three – Participating. It’s a conversation; this person knows what they are doing.

15.20  Style Four – Delegation. You can trust them to do the job with a minimal overview.

17.55  How do you know when someone is capable and willing to do a task…. observation works – but asking them outright is much better.

19.38 If you underestimate someone’s abilities and tell them what to do, you are risking animosity as they will perceive that you no longer trust them to do the job correctly.

20.00  Don’t default to a leadership style that does not fit the person.

20.31  Guy talks about the best way to lead people…

21.30  How does this relate to holding the hands of your people…you have to understand how each individual functions. How they learn… how they grow – so you can then grow YOUR business.

22.00  Your hand-holding should progress through the styles as your employee progresses in skill and confidence.

22.23  Put in the hard work at the beginning and it will reward you in spades.

23.00  Inspired? Hit up upcoach.com.au for more. 

Check out this episode!