Ep 90: Gary Bigelow – EVOLVE Upperlimits Mastermind

Ep 90: Gary Bigelow – EVOLVE Upperlimits Mastermind


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Time Code/Show Notes  

0.35  The Evolve Upper Limits Mastermind, presents Gary Bigelow `If it aint broke – break it’ …

1.40  Gary opens with some nostalgic working memories and a case study in how he saved a business 7K a week by deconstructing it and making it work better. The brain of an engineer will tell you that this is the solution every day.

6.50  The story of the IBM kid who demanded he was paid a fee for every single PC shipped. The kid who created Microsoft drove a company that in 2022, earns 198 billion a year in revenue.

10.20   If it aint real, fake it; aka. fake it, until you make it. Learn to sell your capability. Convince people that you can do a good job for them.

12.44  Body language; from the power poses of Mick Jagger and Usain Bolt to the everyday body language of the people we interact with in business… 

16.45  Would you buy from yourself based on how you present; how you stand, sit, walk and conduct yourself in a meeting…

21.10  Gary shares the story of an encounter with a squirrel at Moose Lake, Canada.

25.00 What happens when we fail to break the un-broken… what happens when you sit in your comfort zone. Gary shows us how business growth stagnates when we fail to move.

26.58  Stagnate and your competitors will overtake you rapidly. You’ll become irrelevant. Gary talks about software from the early seventies through to the early noughties and how corporations become irrelevant if they are inflexible.

32.00  Don’t refuse to break the model – Kodak is another infamous example of a market leader who failed to embrace new strategies, stayed within its comfort zone, and did not take advantage of the digital age.  

34.10 Nokia became another victim of stagnation in the early noughties; a mega company that failed to break the standard.

Xerox also went the same way. They declared their future was in copy machines and failed to adopt digital technologies. Huge fail.

39.50  How did Disney go from creating classic film ….transforming sideways to owning a streaming service and buying franchises like Star Wars… they kept breaking and innovating. Just as Amazon and Apple have done. Steve Jobs was fired because profits were flat-lining. Now a 387 billion dollar company, Apple makes the bulk of its revenue through sales of the iPhone. Yet Apple has now become a software and content retailer to move forward successfully.  

46.39  Inspired? Hit up upcoach.com.au for more. 

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