Ep 91: Natasha Marsh – EVOLVE Upperlimits Mastermind

Ep 91: Natasha Marsh – EVOLVE Upperlimits Mastermind


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Time Code/Show Notes

 0.35  Evolve Upper Limits Mastermind with Natasha Marsh from QMS Services.

1.10  From studying a Masters in WHS to auditing and working with the NDIS, Natasha’s professional purpose has been to help as many people as possible.          

2.12  QMS Certification Services; who are they and what do they do.

2.40  If you’re in building and construction, health and fitness or education, there are opportunities within the NDIS. There is a market screaming for investors.

5.00  Natasha overviews certifications and why each one can be important for your business when applying for tenders or contracts.

6.36  Opportunities within the NDIS; bricks and mortar/property. Funding is available for high-need participants and low-needs NDIS participants who live in share houses. This is called a Group Home so participants can live independently.

9.20  If you build a property you can lease it out to a registered NDIS provider. There is money to be made.

11.05  The need for SDA [specialist disability accommodation] is increasing. There is currently 20,000 participants eligible for SDA funding and only 7000 dwellings currently available to them.

SDA participants deserve integration into society and this will help to avoid becoming institutionalised.

14.30  Shockingly, 271 million dollars was allocated in participant plans to SDA – yet only 7000 dwellings exist for just 20,000. In Queensland, there is just 76 approved providers to build SDA accommodation. Again, there is money to be made here.

16.20  Could building SDA dwellings become your core business…

17.20  What does it mean to become a registered provider of SDA in Queensland. What are the steps you can take and how can you pass the audit. You do not have to be in construction to be interested in contributing to NDIS.

20.18  QMS is a quality organisation setting itself apart with strong ethics and warm empathy. It’s about building relationships and helping people as much as possible.

22.45  How can 100 percent Australian-based QMS help you become certified? They will get to know your business and do it quickly – they can turn audits over rapidly. They run on a skeleton staff because that’s all they need.  

25.10  Overheads are reduced and audit reports add value you to organisation. No hidden fees. Lots of constructive observation. QMS does things differently.         

26.50  Inspired? Hit up upcoach.com.au for more. 

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