Ep 92: Sean Wilson – EVOLVE Upperlimits Mastermind

Ep 92: Sean Wilson – EVOLVE Upperlimits Mastermind


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Time Code/Show Notes

0.35 From the Evolve Upper Limits Mastermind with Sean Wilson from Better HR.

1.20  Sean introduces his role inside Better HR and how the company strives to be the best in industry.

4.10   Why is Human Resources so important to the success of your business. Your employees and your contractors are all part of your workforce; anybody in your business is part of your HR.  

5.42  Australia has some of the most complex HR laws in the world.

6.00  Your people are your most important asset. They are also one of your biggest operating costs. Hire the wrong people and at worst, you’ll destroy your business.

7.01  In this country, HR and Employment Law are intertwined. The Fair Work Act is 800 pages long; you can have one staff member or you can be the biggest fast food empire on the planet, you will still have to comply with the same laws.

7.30  There are over 122 modern awards; this determines your pay rates. So, make sure you are paying your people under the correct award. The fines are huge; a fair work inspector will not be kind. Get systems in place so they move on to the next audit pretty quickly.

11.02  Think about how you hire people. Do you just slap an ad together with a basic job description? Are you scoping that role properly, because it is vital. How do you determine the right person for the job and are you keeping proof that they are the best for the role?             

12.05   Sean discusses the difference between an Unfair Dismissal Claim and Adverse Action Claim [you didn’t give me the job because of my gender]. The onus of proof is on different parties. You must keep some records to be able to defend claims.

13.51  Job Descriptions; have them. Keep them up to date. A position outline helps you performance manage your employees. Work out the pay rate.

15.40  Right To Work Checks; can be as simple as asking for a birth certificate. The fines can be enormous. Check current qualifications.

17.15  Why you need employment contracts for every employee…

18.05  Most businesses find themselves settling outside of court as they realise just how much it will cost when an employee has a gripe.

19.30  Do you provide your employee with the tools of the trade to do the job…be mindful what you specify in a contract as you’ll lose your flexibility to remove it.    

21.45  Policies and procedures; have them and review them regularly. So many businesses don’t have them in the first place; bullying, sexual harassment, working from home; workplace health and safety. Have policies in place and make sure your employees know they exist.

24.50  Paying your staff; make sure you spell out all the inclusions, all the details and make sure you’re paying them on time. Do you give pay slips to your workers and do you give them within one working day?  

27.54  Get familiar with the National Employment Standards. Have your workers been given a Fair Work Information Statement…

31.00  Keep records. Sean emphatically recommends that you keep records of ALL documents; keep a record that your staff have seen the relevant information. The fines are heavy and retrospective if an employee makes a complaint.    

32.32  Superannuation and compensation.

34.25  Exiting workers lawfully. Giving lawful notice and final pay. Keeping good HR records, diaries and notes.

37.20  Serious food for thought? Hit up upcoach.com.au for more. 

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