Ep 98: How to get REFOCUSED in 2023 – Coaching Conversations

Ep 98: How to get REFOCUSED in 2023 – Coaching Conversations


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Welcome to 2023 – Time to re-focus and re-invent our business selves early in the New Year!

That’s the message from Australia’s favourite business mentors, Nick and Chris from UPCOACH. Today, they’re keen to help you shake it up early, showing you how to change gears by reviewing and refreshing what you’ve always done – but also putting on the breaks – so you can look at different paths to achieving goals.

This new episode of Coaching Conversations is just what you need to move into the next 12 months with renewed purpose and sustained energy!

Time Code/Show Notes  

0.26  Intro: Business coach experts Nick and Chris are refocused and pumped to make this an enormous year!

2.30  How can you do goal setting differently this year? How do you get off `last year’s bike’ and get on a revamped set of wheels?

3.05  It’s a marathon, not a sprint. This is the most important mindset to have for 2023.

4.10 Plan your week ahead. Prioritise in threes and make sure you hit these targets to start off…  Routines are VITAL to planning so you can identify what your routines need to be.

6.45  Hardcore straight up is NOT the way to go. Think of yourself as an athlete who has been on holiday. Ease your way back into it, gently! Get the body warmed up and the head back in the game. It’s like reverse engineering with an injury – recovery mindset.

8.23  When you burn out too fast, you end up hating what you do. Slow and steady really is your mantra for 2023. It’s all about consistency!

10.10 Re-assessing priorities can help you identify where you can work “smarter not harder”.

12.30 Review, reassess and re-prioritise. How to address change and is it an ongoing process? Are your standards ‘average’ – will you lift so you feel like coming into work again?

14.30 Build momentum. What can you do in the immediate future to warm up. Nick compares a gym session to the mindset of planning your business week. A business is 25 years in the making! Train differently and you can expect a different outcome!

17.33 Do you have a measuring mechanism in place? Don’t set goals without having the metrics to reveal the numbers. Be clear about what you’re measuring.

20.25 How often do you set aside time for yourself? Get your head back in the game first. Nick speaks of the pendulum effect and asks you to plan and reflect gently. Take some time for yourself, early in the year.

22.53 Do not underestimate the power of recovery. Chris reiterates the mindset around “marathon-not a sprint”. Slow, steady, and building is the way forward if you find yourself hitting the New Year grind, sluggish, and unmotivated.

37.00 If you’d like to reach out and learn how you can implement change in 2023, email ask@upcoach.com.au for more information on today’s podcast.


There’s a gentle approach to moving forward with a new mindset and Nick and Chris are on board with the right ideas.  

Make sure you plan your week first and foremost. Simple but effective when it comes to measuring progress.

Importantly, re-assess your priorities and begin with soft steps. Success in business is a marathon, not a sprint. Building techniques and instigating change takes time. Burnout is NOT on your agenda this year.

And lastly, keep some time to yourself. Ease back into it; be aware of your physical and mental outlook and re-ignite your private goals.

The past three years have been a slog; let’s be kind on ourselves.

Check out this episode!