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Ajit is a business coach, angel investor, speaker and author with the motto of LIVE BIG. He’s the Co-Founder of Mindvalley and is keenly focussed on creating personal excellence in himself and others.
Born in India to a small household of only 22 people (all in the same house) it’s pretty amazing that he’s described by most as having infectious calmness.
Starting out with a lack of abundance or understanding of money in the world… most learn early that money is the most important thing – providing safety, security and is the measure of success! BUT – is that really the case? Ajit disagrees.
Ajit is currently writing an edgy guide for business coaches (due out 2018) and is happy to share the core themes and how to implement them today.
For a vegetarian who lists “Understanding Humans” as his super-power, in this episode Nick speaks to him about his journey from his beginnings to MindValley, his biggest lessons to date and why humans actually need a challenge!